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Monday Municipality Matters

We're currently reviewing and updating our Municipal Development Plan (MDP).  Learn more about the framework that guides planning (provincially and locally) and what the process for review and updating looks like. 

Land Use Planning Framework Hierarchy

Land use follows a clear hierarchy set out by the Municipal Government Act.  This structured framework ensures seamless harmony between each level, with higher plans and policies taking precedence and guiding development at lower levels.

Differences Between MDP and LUB:

As you navigate this hierarchy its important to note that the intricacies intensify.  The MDP is visionary and focuses on strategic planning and goals, while the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) is regulatory and prescriptive and outlines development standards within different zones or districts. 

- Outlines the vision and goals for the municipalities' growth and development

-Covers broad planning issues like land use, transportation, infrastructure, economic development and community amenities
- Translates the vision from the MDP into detailed rules applicable to different zones or districts in the municipality

-Outlines specific rules such as setbacks, permitted uses, discretionary uses, density within different zones of the municipality

How Can You Have Your Say?

We only just started and there are multiple opportunities to have your say throughout the process.

It's important to think of the document as a draft until it receives third and final reading.  And even then there are always opportunities to review if specific aspects are no longer meeting the needs of the community. 

Want to have your say or have questions and inquiries:

  • Attend public hearings and open houses.
  • Share your ideas and feedback through surveys
  • Speak to your Municipal Steering Committee Members or our Land Use / Economic Development Officer (780.942.3519 ext. 330)
  • Provide written submissions or comments on draft documents.
  • Stay informed through project updates and communication channels.

Your input will help shape the policies and priorities outlined in the MDP, but we can't do this alone.